I'm a somewhat slightly substantiated writer who is new to blogging. Let's see how this works.


Four Ways to Be Productive

My teen watched this video and announced:

"You know that people who watch this are just procrastinating, right?"

Ha ha... funny kid.

At least it's short...

Four Ways to Be Productive


Four Ways to Meet Deadlines

Do you meet deadlines but torture yourself in the process? Even worse: do you miss deadlines?

I meet mine, but my procrastination habit means that I'm not the shining example to follow. At this very moment I'm writing about missing deadlines when I should be working on one. I still have four days left for those 750 words, so why on earth would I do them now and be finished early? That's just craziness.

So instead of working on my current deadline, I put together a 4 Sage Ways video about how to meet them. No worries...the irony is not lost on me.

  1. Know the workload - Figure out everything that needs to be done to complete the project.
  2. Schedule enough time - If you're going to make a schedule though, you should follow it. Don't be like me and look at the schedule but then do something else. 
  3. Manage your work load - This is where you only take on what you can complete.
  4. Just get started - This is where I struggle, and why I'm writing this post instead of writing my assignment.

That's the gist of the video, but if you want to read those words while listening to some catchy music, check it out here

Also, get back to work!! Sheesh. (But watch the video first! 😄)


YouTube (aka, my new channel)

Who hasn't pointed a camera in their own face and tried monetizing the result on YouTube? (Well, me... but that's beside the point).

I've never been a "live feed" person, and when I see my social media friends chatting away at the Internet I just can't wrap my head around it.

Luckily, there's a plethora of non "stick-your-face-out-there" video options for people like myself. Throw together some ideas, music, stock photos and animated video software, and you end up with something like this.

I created the pseudonym "Sage Canton" with the intention of using it to write. Meanwhile I haven't yet... instead I've been ghost writing, and writing under my real name. Meanwhile I have a young person in my life who wants to be a YouTuber, so I set about learning the trade myself using my writing pseudonym instead of my real name.

That's when 4 Sage Ways was born.  I'm still working out the kinks (and will be for awhile). As I write this, the channel contains only two videos and a trailer. If you're reading this and have a couple of minutes, check it out!

(Literally, you need only a couple of minutes. The videos are both shorter than 60 seconds).


Free Online Plagiarism Checker

Now that I've got your attention...

I've searched extensively for something that's reliable and free. There's no such animal (unless you have info with which to enlighten me?) 

Grammar sites offer a limited number of free searches before requiring that you upgrade to a paid service. Copy writing sites offer free plag checks but they're calibrated so that ALL the content you check is bad, creating an opening for them to plug their writing services. I found one site that highlighted SINGLE WORDS as being plagiarized. Heaven help us all.

Enter www.copyscape.com

This is a legitimate plagiarism checker used by content providers, and no - it's not free - but it's very affordable. You purchase a credit and their fee is deducted from your credit each time you conduct a  search.

An editor I write for suggested Copyscape as a solution to the futile rewrite angst I was experiencing at the hands of a free checker on a copy writing site (that was accusing me of plagiarizing single words). <-- Read that again.

I've been using Copyscape since. Check it out


Just In Time for Halloween...

I've been ghostwriting lately (it's October, btw... hence the post title ;) )

This is something new for me. Interestingly it's almost harder than writing with a byline because you feel pressured to make someone else look good. The irony is that "Sage Canton" is a pseudonym, so I guess anything written under this name also has ghostly undertones.



(insert writing prompt here)

Yup, this is definitely getting easier.